I would compare
Gawker with
The New York Times as two popular high school students.
The NY Times became popular for being the Valedictorian and
Gawker got popular for talking Sh*t and being the top gossip.
Both have an incredible importance in High School, it just depends who you would rather be seen with.
My friends were clearly the smut loving type and so is
Like the top gossip that it is,
Gawker has a way of getting you interested in what they have to say. As
The NY Times has to go through the rigamorale of actual "reporting,"
Gawker has already gathered the scoop of the most noted gossip of the day.
Economy... SNORE...War... SNORE...The world... SNORE! SNORE! SNORE! The NY Times just doesn't have the update on
Lindsey Lohan the way that
Gawker does! Her 17-year old sister went with her to her Playboy shoot. That clearly generates more interest than the
floating orb on Riker's Island.
If you want your world to be shattered with truth and despair, I suppose
The NY Times is a fantastic resource. Like the Valedictorian, you can be assured that The NY Times will at least try to know everything that is "smart." Their front page is like dinner platter of smartness, and there is plenty to eat.
If the Internet were a school lunch table, I certainly would rather have
Gawker by my side. You know the saying goes, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all, but if you have nothing nice to say.... come sit next to me."
Therefore, I'll never admit that when held a gunpoint I'll probably choose
Gawker over
The New York Times, so I'm probably going to hell too.